domingo, mayo 29, 2011

Ironico ¿no?. Yo no quiero ser house

Cuddy: Pain happens when you care. You can't love someone without making yourself open to their problems, their fears, and you're not willing to do that.

House: I came -- I came to be with you.

Cuddy: You weren't with me. Not really.

House: I wanted to be.

Cuddy: That's not enough.

House: I can do better.

Cuddy: I don't think you can. You'll choose yourself over everybody else over and over again because that's just who you are. [strokes House's face] I'm sorry.

House: No, no, no.

Cuddy: I thought I could do this.

House: Don't, don't. Please don't.

Cuddy: Goodbye, House.

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